As a developer who always valued complete control over my tasks, I decided to take on the challenge of becoming a tech lead. Initially, it seemed like a great idea, but new challenges and growing pressures led me to hit a wall. That's when I realized I needed to take care of myself and work in a way that wouldn't burn me out. Today, I'll share my story of ups and downs, and ultimately finding balance - about overcoming burnout, regaining health, and finding satisfaction in my work. I really hope this will inspire you and give you energy to deal with your own challenges.
The email that changed everything arrived on a typical Monday morning. “We would like you to lead the Vue Storefront Magento team” - the message read. After years of writing code and being a “pixel-perfect” frontend developer, this was my chance for promotion. However, as I was about to discover, the path from being a skilled programmer to an effective tech lead was far more demanding than I had imagined.
If you’re a programmer considering the leap into technical leadership or have recently accepted such a role, my story might help you avoid some of the pitfalls I fell into. Let me share how I went through this transformation - from initial enthusiasm, through moments of crisis, to finding my own balanced way of leading a technical team.
Life as a Developer: The Comfort of Coding
As a programmer at Divante, I had found my rhythm. My days had a comfortable pace - deeply immersed in code, I refined frontend implementations and took pride in coding each design pixel-perfect. Every line of code was under my control, each problem had a clear solution, and my success was measured in completed tasks and working functionalities.
I had come a long way from humble beginnings, transitioning from a completely different career as a roofer to the position of frontend developer. This journey taught me the value of hard work and the satisfaction of mastering a craft. I had built a reputation as the “pixel-perfect guy” and enjoyed the predictability of what was expected of me.
But comfort can be deceptive. While I excelled at writing code and solving technical problems, part of me started feeling a desire for something more. The same drive that pushed me to change careers years ago was whispering that it was time for another change.
The Leap into Tech Leading: When Everything Changed
Time for change. One day I was a programmer, mainly focused on coding and technical implementations. The next, I was responsible for leading a team working on a large integration project - one with high visibility and even higher stakes.
At first, I felt like I was wearing someone else’s shoes. My calendar, previously filled with focused coding blocks, suddenly became a maze of meetings. Instead of directly solving technical problems, I was now responsible for guiding others to find solutions. The skills that made me an effective programmer - deep focus, technical perfectionism, independent work - were no longer enough. In fact, sometimes they even got in the way.
The real challenge wasn’t technical - it was everything else. How to balance coding and management? When to step in with help, and when to step back so the team could grow? How to handle it when your best programmer decides to leave the team? These weren’t problems that could be solved with a few lines of code or a clever architectural decision.
The Trap of Apparent Success
My career as a tech lead was developing like Man City under Pep Guardiola - fast and impressive from the outside, but something was sparking inside. Despite external success, I felt increasingly overwhelmed. The constant context switching between coding and management, the weight of responsibility for both technical decisions and team security, and the endless stream of meetings were taking their toll.
The turning point came when I realized I had started to fear the sight of my computer. The same work that once energized me now left me exhausted and disconnected. I was spending more hours at work than ever, yet felt less productive. In meetings, I caught myself nodding while my mind wandered elsewhere. At home, I couldn’t stop thinking about work, and at work, I couldn’t focus on tasks.
Worse still was the isolation. As a tech lead, you find yourself in a unique position - you’re no longer really a programmer, but you’re not a traditional manager either. Who do you turn to when you’re expected to have all the answers?
A New Beginning: Finding My Own Path
The breakthrough began with a simple admission - I needed help. After months of trying to be the perfect technical leader who could do everything, I finally opened up to my supervisor about my struggles. This conversation, though difficult, was the first step toward positive change.
I realized that being a great tech lead isn’t about working more hours or knowing all the answers. Instead, it was about finding a balanced approach that would work for both me and my team. This meant implementing several fundamental changes:
- I started setting clear boundaries between work time and private time, treating my energy as a limited resource that needed to be carefully managed.
- Instead of trying to be everywhere and do everything, I learned to trust my team more. This wasn’t just delegation - it was shifting into second gear.
- Most importantly, I stopped trying to fit someone else’s image of what a tech lead should be. My experience as a former roofer who became a programmer taught me the value of practical, concrete-based leadership, and I decided to leverage that strength.
What Being a Tech Lead Really Taught Me
Looking back at everything I went through, I now understand that being a tech lead isn’t about being the best programmer or the person who works the longest. It’s about finding balance - between coding and leading, between pushing topics forward and stepping back, between professional development and personal well-being.
Here are the most valuable lessons I learned along the way:
About the Power of Authenticity
For a long time, I tried to fit into the image of the “ideal Tech Lead.” It wasn’t until I stopped pretending and started drawing from my own experiences - yes, even from my past as a roofer, and from my strengths as well as difficulties - that work became easier. Does trying to be the “perfect” leader sometimes distance us from what we could really bring to the team?
About the Overwork Trap
I thought more hours at work === better results. Reality quickly verified this belief. When I was exhausted, I made worse decisions and couldn’t support the team. Interestingly, my team performed best precisely when I was rested and focused. Coincidence?
About Trust and Control
The hardest lesson? Understanding that I don’t have to (and shouldn’t) solve all problems myself. Every situation where I held back from immediately “saving” the situation became a development opportunity for the team. I saw how people flourish when you give them space for their own decisions - and their own mistakes.
About the Pace of Development
I felt pressure to be knowledgeable about everything right away. Over time, I understood that trying to keep up with every new technology and trend is a direct route to frustration. What if instead we focused on systematic, balanced development?
Final Word
The journey from programmer to tech lead is not just career development - it’s a personal transformation. It requires abandoning old habits and adopting new ways of thinking. But most importantly, it requires finding your own, balanced way of leading.
The goal isn’t to be a perfect tech lead - it’s about being the most effective leader you can be while staying true to yourself and maintaining your well-being. After all, leadership is a marathon, not a sprint.
Epilogue: The Next Chapter
Soon I’m starting something new and will no longer formally have the role of tech lead. Some might view my decision to step back from leadership to focus on being a senior full stack engineer and mentor as a step backward. I see it differently - it’s about moving in a direction that brings the most value and satisfaction.
Working as a tech lead, I discovered something important about myself: while I enjoy leading and being a mentor, my true passion lies in solving complex technical challenges and helping others in their individual development. This discovery wasn’t a failure.
Leadership in technology doesn’t always mean managing a team. Sometimes it means being an experienced engineer who can both design complex solutions and help others develop their skills. It’s about finding a role where your unique combination of skills and passion can have the greatest impact.
For me, this means focusing on what I do best: writing code, solving problems, and mentoring others in a one-on-one relationship. It’s a reminder that career development isn’t always linear, and that’s okay. What’s most important is being honest with yourself about where you can bring the most value and what brings you the greatest fulfillment.
Remember, there isn’t one “right” path in technology. The best career move is the one that aligns with your values and allows you to make your unique contribution, regardless of the form it may take.